
At The Fundamental Level Of Quantum Mechanics

Everything is made up of energy demonstrated by vibrational frequencies. We are human beings composed of a myriad of vibrational frequencies: Physical, Mental, Emotional, and Energetic. This also includes the vibrational frequencies of thoughts, words, memories, experiences, emotions, and the vibrational frequency of, what some consider, the Soul (Spirit, life force, energy).

The resonant, harmonious tone of the vibrational frequency of the Soul can be compared to the beautiful tone of a crystal glass when tapped.

Soul Loss is like a finger placed lightly on that glass changing its original tone or resonance by diminishing or weakening it. The Soul Retrieval is essentially restoring the resonance and harmony of the vibrational frequency of the Soul closer to that with which we were born.

Soul Retrieval is a core component of Shamanic Healing.

On the quantum level, a Soul Retrieval is: A restoration of strength, resonance, and harmony of the vibrational frequency of the energy of the Soul (Spirit, life-force) and allows other aspects of healing: Physical, Mental, Emotional, and Energetic, to finally take place.

This energetic restoration provides a renewed sense of self with increased vitality, confidence, and understanding. And a more effective connection with our self, others, our life, the world, our Source: God, the Universe, Spirit, whatever our belief system may be.

Restoration of strength, resonance, and harmony in the vibrational frequency of the energy of the Soul (Spirit, life force) allows other aspects of healing: Physical, Mental, Emotional, and Energetic to finally take place.

This energetic restoration provides a renewed sense of self with increased vitality, confidence, and understanding. And a more effective connection with our self, others, our life, the world, our Source: God, the Universe, Spirit, whatever our belief system may be.

Integrated Modalities

Hypnotherapy, Guided Imagery, and Past Life Regression all work on the subconscious mind to address behavioral changes.  Shamanic Healing works with energy to heal your spirit. All of these self-empowering tools lead you to dynamic positive changes, by defining and achieving your goals.

Hypnotherapy and the energy work of Shamanic Healing are modalities that individually or as integrated assists clients to realize their passion, access their dreams, and resolving counterproductive patterns.

Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy

Only 10% of the mind functions on the conscious level. A whopping 90% is functioning on the subconscious level. Use 100% of your mind power!

Hypnotherapy uses the modality of hypnosis to access the power of your power, that 100% of your mind power, facilitating the changes you are seeking; in your personal life, self-improvement, and with your vocational and avocational goals.

Hypnosis is a natural state of hyper suggestibility. Many people routinely experience a trance-like or hypnotic state throughout the day; watching television, at the movies, driving, and before nodding off to sleep.

What does this mean to you?

Every thought can change your life. Every thought is energy, a vibrational frequency. Through hypnosis and by carefully framing your hypnotic suggestions to reflect what is true for you, you create your intended life.

How do you know if the suggestion is true for you? You will learn to use your body as a lie detector by feeling the vibrational frequencies in your body when the suggestion is stated.